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How do you call a person who takes angle grinder and attacks a two year old bus? I guess there can be very many answers. Maybe somebody should call a police. So, we bought a regular empty van. Its a Citroen Jumper L3H2, that has around 3.6 meters of free space in the back. L2H2 would be too small and L4H3 with 7.6 meters of total length would be already overkill. On the very first day we got it we started cutting holes into it. Also to the roof. I told the rain not to come during that day. Then we removed the back wall and cut holes for the outside electrical plug. We put some noise-cancelling rubber plates and some insulation and moisture-stop to warm it up. We added Thule Vent to the roof, which is pretty nice piece of hardware - the cooler can work both ways, inside out and outside in. Toilet? No toilet inside. Not for now. About one week later from buying the bus it was time to take off to the south, where we travelled around 1000+kms. Well, a lot is needed to be done more, but the...

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